
Name of the facultyName of the AwardAwarding AgencyDate of AwardCategory
Dr.B.MeenakshiIETE Outstanding Faculty awardIETE2024Faculty award
Dr. Saswati Kumari BeheraManak  Veer AwardBIS2024Shared Vision for a Better World incorporating Sustainable Development Goals,Club Mentor
Dr. R. AzhagumuruganDr.Kalam Best Mentor AwardWorld Youth Federation2024Mentor

Staffordshire university,UK & Education Matters Presented “ Best Teacing Award in Engineering” to the Department Of Electrical & Electronics Engineering in the presence of  Mr.K.P.Anbalagan,Honourable Minister for Higher Education, Mr.R.S.Munirathinam, President and Dr.P.Selvaraj,Secretary, Consortium of Self-Financing Professional,Arts &Science Colleges in TamilNadu, Mr.Jeremy Pilmore-Bedford, British Deputy High Commissioner,Chennai

The Department of EEE had bagged the Best Industry linked institution award in the prestigious AICTE-CII Survey of Industry-linked technical institutions 2018. The award is based on a survey done across AICTE approved technical institutions of the country with the objective to showcase the best practices


Stafford University UK, British council, Tamil Nadu Government, Education Matters and JPR Engineering college Awarded “The Best Teaching in Engineering Award” to the EEE Department of Sri Sai Ram Engineering College Chennai – 44 on 03.03.2014
