Department Of Electrical And Electronics Engineering in association with IEEE PES SBChapter, WIE Affinity Group, IEEE EDS SBC & IE(I) conducted five days online faculty development programme on “Research challenges in electrical engineering and the solution with software ”from 20.12.2021 to 24.12.2021.

FDP 2020-Two week online refresher course on “Recent Innovations in Electrical,Electronics,Instrumentation ,Automation and Teaching Pedagogy” from 18th to 30th May 2020.
Department Of EEE In Association With Skillkora Labs Organized ISTE Sponsored Five Days FDP On “Artificial Intelligence”  From 5th Dec To 11th Dec 2019
Department of EEE organizes ISTE Sponsored five days FDP on “Renewable Energy Systems” from 22.07.2019 to 26.07.2019
Department of EEE in Association with IEEE Power and Energy Society Student BranchConducted a “NATIONAL LEVEL FACULTY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM ONELECTRICAL SIMULATION SOFTWARE (FDP 17)” from 06.11.2017 to 10.11.2017