Department Of Electrical And Electronics Engineering Organizes IEEE Technically Sponsored Third International Conference On “Power, Energy, Control And Transmission Systems -ICPECTS’2022″ on 08.12.2022 and 09.12.2022
Department of EEE organizes Anna University Sponsored FDTP on” EE 8402 – TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION” from 3.12.2018 to 15.12.18 Click here to View Session valedictory photos
Mr.S.Shreyas Ramachandran of 2014-2018 batch presented a paper “Complex Animal Movement Capture and Live Transmission” at the Annual IEEE Region 10 Conference “IEEE TENCON 2018”, Jeju Island, South Korea on October 30, 2018. This research paper was co-authored by Soorya.S, Ganeshaanand B and Kaviarasan V of the same 2014-2018 batch. An amount of Rs.10,000 travel grant was funded to attend the Conference.
Department of EEE along with departments of ECE,E&I and ICE inaugurated Texas Instruments Innovation Lab and signed MOU with Digital Shark Technology on 12-11-18. 3 days workshop was conducted on ” Rapid Prototyping IoT and Embedded System Design” from 12-11-18 to 14-11-18.