IEEE PELS DAY – Powering a sustainable future-20/06/2023

Quiz about wind enrgy” on account of GLOBAL WIND DAY!-20/06/2023

Preserve, Protect, Prosper: A Global Call to Action on World Environment Day


MOCK MUN I Seize the Oppertunity to participate sairam MUN

Sairam ENSAV Club organized Energy Conservation Day on 14.12.2023 @ Nallur Govt. High School.

“As participants are passionate about sustainability and eco-friendly initiatives, participating in ENERGY CONSERVATION Day school event was an enlightening and engaging experience for all of us.” The event provided a real time experience that was both informative and motivating. Students overwhelmingly praised Energy Conservation Day, expressing heightened awareness and appreciation for sustainable practices. Many highlighted… Continue reading Sairam ENSAV Club organized Energy Conservation Day on 14.12.2023 @ Nallur Govt. High School.

Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering,Sai Magnicon proudly conducted National Level Technical Symposium “ELECTRAX 2K23” held on NOVEMBER 9TH 2023

BOS Members

Center of Excellence

Machines Lab – Funding received AICTE MODROBS The main aim of this lab is to provide a deep exposition of the working of electromechanical devices, with specific emphasis on the working of rotating electrical machines and transformers. It is also used for research and development work by various branches under electrical category. Major equipments in… Continue reading Center of Excellence

Startup Initiative

Final Year student SAI GANESH.C has initiated  the Start up company GENIK TECHNOLOGIES Genik Technologies, a research & development company specializing in engineering real-time products and creating intelligent environments. With applications ranging from sea to sky, we strive to engineer and enlighten every corner with cutting-edge technologies like artificial intelligence, quantum computing, industrial automation, and… Continue reading Startup Initiative