Mrs.R.GAYATHRI DEVI with studentsMr.V.SRIRAM,Mr.S.SOORYA&Mr.B.GANESH AANAND of FINAL YEAR EEE presented a paper “Aerial Surveillance of Public areas with Autonomous track and follow using Image Processing”International Conference on COMPUTER and DRONE Applications(IConDA)2017,heldin UniversitiTeknologiMARA,Sarawak,Kuching ,MALAYSIA ,9th -11th Nov 2017. The Management Sponsored Rs.29, 683 /- (50%) for the staff and Rs.48, 000/- for the Students
Department of EEE in Association with IEEE Power and Energy Society Student BranchConducted a “NATIONAL LEVEL FACULTY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM ONELECTRICAL SIMULATION SOFTWARE (FDP 17)” from 06.11.2017 to 10.11.2017
Department of EEE is organising a NATIONAL LEVEL FACULTY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME ON “ELECTRICAL SIMULATION SOFTWARE” during Nov’ 6-10, 2017. Click Here to View
Department of EEE organized a Guest Lecture on “Power system Protection & Communication on 13.07.2017
The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering SAIMAGNICON organizes 19th National Level Technical Symposium” EXRICAL 2K17″ on 2nd August 2017
SINGARAVEL.C of EEE Dept, 3rd year, “c” section.Won 3RD place and a cash prize of 50,000/- INR In “IBCN 2017” international business conference which is held in DUBAI on “14th-16th April 2017.