II year EEE students Mr.S.Surya Ananth,Mr.S.Navin and Mr.Saran participated in “Altitudes’20 Maths Fest “ held at SRM University,Kattangaluthur and won first Place with cash price in Maths Connexions and Maths Olympiad
“Sustainable Development Goals” awareness program was conducted for the EEE department students on 02/01/2020
Final Yeal year EEE students Ms. Archana.V,Ms.Priyadarshini.K.Ms.Shajitha Begam.S,Ms.Janaki.B participated and got selected for the Chhatra Vishwakarma Award-2019 held on 18th December,2019 under the mentorship of Dr.T.Porselvi,HOD / EEE [cycloneslider id=”chhatra-vishwakarma-award-2019″]
A special training was conducted on “Google Class Room -2019 “ for the faculty of EEE department to streamline the process of sharing files between teachers and students effectively. Dr.A.Rajendra Prasad, Principal headed the session by explaining various features of Google Class Room to the faculties [cycloneslider id=”google-class-room”]
Dr.T.Porselvi HOD/EEE, Ms.Archana.V, Ms.Priyadharshini.K ,Ms.ShajithaBegam.S of final year EEE students presented a paper entitled “Sensor Based Smart Segregation Dustbin” in Second International Conference (ICIAMR 2019) On Innovation And Advanced Multi Disciplinary Research at PACC, Singapore during 12th and 13th October 2019