Reinvigorate-Orientation Programme hands on visual designing

Department Of Electrical and Electronics Engineering conducted a Reinvigorate-Orientation Programme hands on visual designing for 1st year students on 23rd August, 2022 by Ms.Akshaya.A, Student of III Year EEE-A Section .

EEE Women in Engineering Affinity group conducted a LOGO QUIZ

Department Of Electrical and Electronics Engineering in association with IEEE Women in Engineering Affinity group conducted a LOGO QUIZ through online mode on 15th August,2022.

Association Inauguration AI for social Impact on 8th November

Department Of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Association Inauguration AI for social Impact on 8th November, 2022 by Mr.G.Kowshik, Solutions Manager, Social Development Consultant.

Brainstorming session on Technical Paper Writing

Department Of Electrical and Electronics Engineering has conducted a “Brainstorming session on Technical Paper Writing” on 8th October, 2022 by Dr.T.Porselvi, Prof/EEE,Sri Sairam Engineering College and Dr.B.Meenakshi, Prof/EEE, Sri Sairam Engineering College.

All India Seminar on Application of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Electrical Engineering

Department Of Electrical and Electronics Engineering in association with IEI has conducted a seminar on “All India Seminar on Application of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Electrical Engineering” by Er.R.Ramadoss, FIE,Immediate Past Chairman-Tamil Nadu State Centre, Dr.Elango, FIE, National Council Member & Chairman-Kanchipuram Local Centre Company name: SRM Valliammai Engineering College, Dr.G.Shanmugasundar,FIE , National… Continue reading All India Seminar on Application of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Electrical Engineering

Department Of Electrical And Electronics Engineering Organizes A National Level Symposium on 7th November 2022

Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering in association with IEEE PES SEC SBC celebrated the “World Environment Day” by conducting a webinar on “Renewable Sources” on 5th June 2022 by IEEE PES Members “Govardhan M.S/EEE, Jai Akash S/EEE, Venkatapathi K/EEE, Hari DPK/EEE, Chandru G/EEE.

Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering in association with IEEE PELS SEC SBC and WIE Affinity Group conducted a Webinar on “Internet of things” on 4th June 2022, by Dr.Sasikumar.P, Associate Professor and Head, Department of Embedded technology,School of Electronics Engineering (SENSE), Vellore Institute of Technology,Vellore, 632014, India

Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering conducted “Virtual Alumni Meet” on 14th May 2022,Saturday from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m

Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering in association with IEEE EDS SEC SBC conducted a workshop on UI/UX Designing in GAMA Hall on 13th May 2022 by Student Trainers “Ms.Akshaya.A of II Year EEE-A and Ms.Abhiniya.K of II Year EEE-A”